The Parish Finance Council is a standalone council, distinct and separate from the Parish Pastoral Council and its Commissions. The Finance Council does not oversee the administration of the parish goods, but assists the pastor in his responsibilities. Parish Finance Council membership is by appointment of the pastor. The Parish Finance Council is to be seen as a necessary element of the pastor’s responsibility to administer the material resources of the parish efficiently, transparently and productively.
Our Parish Pastoral Council works for a unified vision of the Parish Mission and is the leadership body within the parish family. Its basic purpose is to set the broad direction for the parish and it promotes the unity of the parish.
Ken Juip – Chairperson
Fr. Marc Gawronski – Family Pastor
Sue Biedlingmaier – Mission Support Director
Mary Podczervinski - Bookkeeper/Office Manager
Gary Latendresse – Secretary/Member
Mark Gilroy – Member
Gregg Zuccker – Member
Deborah Stevens - Member
Susan Tylutki - Member
The Stewardship Commission is concerned with the promotion of Christian stewardship as a way of life, and how living out our call to discipleship in service to the Church and her members provides a living example by which the spirit of evangelization is witnessed. The Stewardship Commission responsibilities are coordinating the annual parish CSA campaign, encourage parishioners to share their time, talent and treasure in parish ministries, activities and support, fundraising programs, etc.
Our Stewardship Commission develops and nurtures the three aspects of Time, Talent and Treasure. God has given us everything we have. Jesus Christ is God’s greatest gift to us. Stewardship tells us to share a portion of our God-given time, talent and treasure with others so that God’s gifts, including Jesus Christ, may be given to those who do not know or understand him. The Stewardship Commission works to bring this directive to life in the parish.
Click here to view the 2020-2021 Goals for the Stewardship Commission.
Chairperson: Gary Ames
Family Pastor: Fr. Marc Gawronski
Director of Finance and Administration: Sue Biedlingmaier
Building Committee: Ken Juip
Time & Talent: Gary Ames
Fellowship: Jeff Dombrowski & Gary Ames
Finance Council: Ken Juip
Member: Ray Formosa
Member: Doug Cryderman